Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I Cannot Give What I Do Not Have

Was very fortunate to have attended "The Ancient Paths" seminar last weekend. To impart to you the blessings me and my husband received, would like to share with you the highlights we learned. The two day seminar reinforced our faith and helped us answer the questions: Who am I? (identity) and Why am I here? (destiny). It opened our mind to understanding the spirit realm, where everyone can be used as a channel of God's blessings or the opposite. We learned that impartation of blessing or cursing happens in the entirety our life's journey - from conception, pregnancy, birth, infancy, puberty, marriage to older age. What's critical is that our choices in life whether it is a blessing or cursing affects up to ten generations of our offspring. So today, we commit to be a blessing not only for our family, but for the next generations as well.

The True Millionaire’s Prayer

by Bo Sanchez

Today, I ask You to bless me so that I may become a blessing.
Lord, I commit myself to enrich others.
But because I cannot give what I do not have,
I commit myself to become rich.
I commit myself to serve You and to serve the poor with my wealth.
Today, I open myself to the abundance of Your universe.
Use me as Your channel of love.
Give me the ability to create wealth that will bless the world..
Increase my financial wisdom and expand my territories.
I place my life in your hands, Amen.

May God prosper the work of our hands so we could help others more! Be blessed and a blessing to others.

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